Would you like to stress less and enjoy life more? Do you want to feel more empowered, in control and just happier in general? You already have more power than you might realize! If you are ready to take back control of your life, please read on!
Disclosure- I come from a long line of worriers. When I was growing up, one of Mom’s favorite parenting techniques was to admonish our behavior with “what will the neighbors think?”. It took me years to realize that the neighbors had their own issues to deal with and most likely weren’t giving the goings on in our household a whole lot of thought!
That being said, one of the best tools I found to deal with my own stress and anxiety around control issues came from a counseling worksheet. Over the years, I have come across many different versions, so I can’t credit the original author, but here is my version with thanks to the originator!
Things that I CAN’T control:
The past
The future
The outcome of my efforts
The actions of others
What happens around you
The opinions of others
What other people think of you
How others take care of themselves
Things that I CAN control:
My thoughts and feelings- do I have a positive or negative mindset?
What I give my energy to- is it negative or positive? Give your energy to the good stuff!
The goals I set for myself- are they realistic? An example, I’m 5’3- not realistic to dream of an NBA career!
How I speak to myself- am I kind or harsh? Would I speak this way to a friend or loved one?
My boundaries- learn what is important to you and respect yourself
How I spend my free time- alone or with whom; what activities; what environment? Does it make me feel good?
How I handle challenges- do I react, or do I respond?
My body- what I eat and drink; exercise; physical needs; healthcare, self-care
It has been my experience that by focusing on what you CAN control, you may find you have less time to worry over the things that you CAN’T!
If you would like more information on how you can learn to control your mindset, stress less, feel better with plant-based nutrition, weight management, or healthy sexuality - book a call with me and we can get started on helping you take control of your life now!
Patti is an Integrative Coach and Certified Hypnotist. Her dedication for teaching and passion for learning has led her to further develop her skills in hypnotherapy, addictions, sexual freedom, PlantBased Nutrition, Yoga, and Reiki - all in service of causing a whole-body transformation for her clients. Learn more about her and her approach at www.FindPurePotential.com.