meet Patti
Patti has a passion for empowering people to live long and healthy lives, free of limitations.
With over 20 years of experience in healthcare education, she contributed to teaching, mentoring and developing newly appointed healthcare professionals.
Her dedication for teaching and passion for learning has led her to further develop her skills in Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, PlantBased Nutrition, Yoga, Reiki and Integrative Coaching - all in service of causing a whole-body transformation for her clients.
Her warm, welcoming spirit and positive, integrative approach allows clients to experience dramatic shifts in areas including coping mechanisms, habits, behaviors, and relationships with substances such as alcohol, nicotine, sugar and processed foods.
Patti Merill
Fitness, Health & Wellness Bachelor of Arts - University of Iowa
Teaching & Leadership Masters - St. Xavier University
Certifications & Experience
Integrative Life Coach
National Guild of Hypnotists
Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy - Mike Mandel
Sexual Freedom Hypnosis - Kaz Riley
Neurolinguistic Programming - Mike Mandel
Usui Reiki Master
Yoga teacher RYT 200 - Davenport School of Yoga
Plant-Based Nutrition - eCornell University
Extensive addiction recovery training with This Naked Mind - Annie Grace